My first RubyGem capistrano-erb-uploader 0.1 released
Hey everyone! Yesterday, I released my first public RubyGem.
It's a small utility to use along with Capistrano. Nothing fancy, but my first. :)
I was impatient to hard code different env values in configuration files like NginX, Monit conf. Specially things like application path and so on.
So I wrote a small snippet to make them dynamic. But copying it in every project was another pain. The birth of Capistrano ERB Uploader.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'capistrano-erb-uplader'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install capistrano-erb-uplader
Then add this line in your Capfile
require 'capistrano/erb-uploader'
You can list a bunch of ERB templates to parse and upload in your deploy.rb
set :erb_files, fetch(:erb_files, []).push('config/nginx.conf.erb', 'config/app.monit.erb')
You might also use this on your own task:
namespace :some do
desc 'Some task to upload specialised erb files'
task :task do
on rolse(:app)
upload_erb 'config/deploy/templates/some.conf.erb', 'config/some.conf'
execute :sudo, 'service some restart'
Any suggestion to improve is most welcome. You can find the source at GitHub - Capistrano ERB Uploader.