Read any YAML config file in Rails with ease
Few days ago I stummbled upon a cool helper method in Rails called config_for. It's super useful to read any YAML based config files with ease. Let me show you.
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Few days ago I stummbled upon a cool helper method in Rails called config_for. It's super useful to read any YAML based config files with ease. Let me show you.
Building even static websites will be fun with sinatra! But deploying might not be fun for everyone. So, Today I'll show you how to deploy a Sinatra App manually with Puma and Nginx.
Testing emails can be a severe pain in the ass. It takes time to deliver, sent to spam or just doesn't reach out in your inbox.
পুরা প্লাগইনই একটা ফাইলে কোড করে বসেছিলাম। সকল প্রকার HTML, লজিক, পেপালের IPN সব এক ফাইলে! এই জিনিসগুলা এখন আমি এইভাবে চিন্তাই করতে পারি না। এত মেস কিভাবে সম্ভব! এই কোড ক্যামনে মেইনটেইন করবে মানুষ!