Some common port numbers for firewall configuration (Reference Post)
To configure firewall as a system admin or even as a normal computer user we need to know the port numbers which will remain open.
Here is a list of common port numbers of some common services.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP): 21
Secure File Transfer Protocol (sFTP): 22
File Transfer Protocol (FTPS): 990
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP): 69
Remote Login Protocol (SSH): 22
Telnet: 23
Telnet over TLS/SSL: 992
Gopher: 70
Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP): 119
World Wide Web / HTTP (WWW/HTTP): 80 or 8080
World Wide Web / HTTP over TLS/SSL (HTTPs): 443
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): 25
Post Office Protocol v2 (POP2): 109
Post Office Protocol v3 (POP3): 110
Post Office Protocol v3 over TLS/SSL (SPOP3/POP3S): 995
Internet Message Access Protocol v3 (IMAP3): 220
Internet Message Access Protocol v4 (IMAP4): 143
Internet Message Access Protocol v4 with TLS/SSL (IMAP4): 585 or 993
Internet Relay Chat Protocol (IRC): 194
Internet Relay Chat Protocol over TLS/SSL (IRCS): 994
Printer Spooler: 515